

In seasons of adversity, we are often tempted to ask the question: “Why?” We wrestle with why we are in the situation we are in. Why God hasn’t stepped in yet? Why did it have to be us? In When Life Gives You Lemons, Gerald Fadayomi unpacks how “Why?” may not be the right question to ask in difficult circumstances and instead, offers three better questions we can ask ourselves when adversity comes our way. These questions will help you walk through seasons of depression, heartache, anxiety, anger, pain, and loss. They will help you gain perspective, experience peace, and even find joy in the midst of uncertainty. Lemons can be turned to lemonade, and navigating the answers to these three questions will show you how!

"God Says I am" Is a biblical affirmation book for kids. Each page contains a truth from God's word and a supporting scripture to guide your child to a biblical understanding of identity in Christ.

Our hope and prayer is that these truths will sink deep into the soul of your child and will shape their view of self in light of what God says about them.


Before You Go

Life is constantly changing, and with every new season comes a new set of challenges. As you prepare to leave high school behind and move into a new season of college and “adulting,” this book will serve as a guide to help you maintain and grow your faith in college. In the pages of this short book you’ll find letters from college freshman, 10 ideas that will help prepare you for what’s ahead, and questions to help you process and apply what you’ve read.


Starting Now

Successfully navigating life's transitions requires wisdom and confidence. That's because transitions can be hard, and certainly the transition from high school to college is a big one. Where do students begin when it comes to handling such a huge life change? What do they do when their confidence falters? How do they handle the inevitable failures, disappointments, and freedom that comes with the beginning of adult life?